Dell Wyse 5020 (D90Q10) – Win10 IoT system freezes

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  • #44954
    • Total Post: 46
    • Frequent Flyer
    • ★★★

    Hi everyone,

    I was wondering if anyone here is using the device “Dell Wyse 5020 (D90Q10)” running Windows 10 IoT. I’m still having problems with occasional system freezes.

    Here’s what I found in the release notes of the corresponding firmware files.

    Release Notes 17-Apr-2017
    “The client occasionally stops when working with any application or VDI.”


    Release Notes 19-Aug-2016:
    “Issue: Windows may not respond for 35 seconds when accessing the file browser or any Windows applications or settings.”


    Release Notes 14-Mar-2016:
    “TIR85242: Intermittently windows is not responding for 1 to 2 minutes when accessing the file browser or any Windows applications or settings.”


    The newest release notes (dated 18-Jul-2017) don’t mention the problem anymore, yet I am still experiencing the system freezes mentioned above.
    Since I can’t find ANYTHING on the internet regarding this matter I decided to ask around here. So… anyone having the same kind of trouble? How can a product even be released like this?

    I really appreciate any help you can provide.

    • Total Post: 10696
    • Jedi Master
    • ★★★★★★★

    I have seen issues with Defender filling up the UWF. That causes system shutdowns.


    • Total Post: 46
    • Frequent Flyer
    • ★★★

    Thanks ConfGen and sorry for the late answer. I tried fiddling with Defender and UWF. Sadly, all attempts were to no avail… So, almost 1 year later I’m still having the same problems mentioned in the first post.

    Isn’t there anyone here using these devices? 🙁

    • Total Post: 10696
    • Jedi Master
    • ★★★★★★★

    There is a new tool available for free called Overlay Optimzer. Give it a try


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