Creating ODBC Connection to WMS database (and instructions how to do it in WDM)

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    I have finally just made the move to WMS from WDM, and I like the new setup, much more friendly, however I would like to know if anyone has managed to set up an ODBC link to the DB used by WMS.

    In WDM I was able to use the SQL driver in Windows to create an ODBC connection to the rapport database so could export details of the fleet, for usage reporting, asset management and the like – it was pretty handy (ps, if anyone still uses WDM and would like instruction on this.. see the end of this thread).

    However… WMS doesn’t seem to play the same ball game, has anyone been able to (or know how) to set up the ODBC connection system/user DSN from a Windows PC to the WMS box to query the database?

    I have downloaded a MongoDB driver, and I have the database PW set up on install, however cannot for the life of me get the ODBC connection to work. Unsure what username to use with my DB password.

    Has anyone any information/ instruction on how to do this on WMS?

    Added Bonus for WDM users, this is how I set up the WDM ODBC connection – However you will have to work out the tables you need once you’ve connected – but the naming is fairly obvious so shouldn’t be too hard to work out)


    (You’ll need an admin rights for the below – just a one off to create the connection)

    Where I’ve put SERVER HOSTNAME, OR HOSTNAME – You need to use the FQDN on your WDM server

    Open Control Panel – Administrative Tools – ODBC Data Sources (32-bit)

    (If for some reason you are using 64 bit Office on your PC/Laptop then choose 64 bit, but if standard install then make sure to choose 32 bit).

    Click the System DSN tab – then hit “Add…”


    Scroll down and highlight SQL Server and hit “Finish”


    For Name, Description and Server match the below screenshot then hit next.

    Click the radio button to choose With SQL Server authentication….


    Click the “Client Configuration” button… and then choose “Named Pipes”.


    Server Alius: HOSTNAME

    Server Name: HOSTNAME

    Pipe Name: \\HOSTNAME\pipe\MSSQL$RAPPORTDB\sql\query


    Click “OK”, which returns you to the previous window, in the Login ID and Password fields ensure “Connect to SQL Server….” Is checked, and use the following details:

    (note the username you should use is sa – this is the default sql admin username, the password will be the DB password you set for rapport when you set up the WDM server)

    Login ID: sa


    Click Next

    Change default Database to “RapportDB” as below and click Next.

    Click next on next box:

    Click the Test Data Source on the next box…


    Once you get the “Success” then OK, OK, Finish out of the menu’s, you will now see a ODBC DSN set up as below and can close out of everything open (no more admin rights needed now).

    Once you’ve got this you can hook say MS Access into the ODBC source on external data toolbar and create a report you can then export to excel or whatever.


    Just a warning!

    If you use a linked database as using the sa account if you make changes to data in any tables this will be changing your live WDM server, handy if you need to change something there is no option for, but if just for reporting I would STRONGLY suggest to choose the copy option when setting up in access.

    • Total Post: 10696
    • Jedi Master
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    Check the WMS Troubleshooting Guide. This will help you for sure.

    BTW, the username is „stratus“


    • Total Post: 6
    • Newbie

    I’m trying to do the same thing. I used to do it in WDM. It was easy to find all the information I need for my inventory. But for WMS it is not the same story. I cannot find my terminal name, BIOS version, etc.. neither in the MariaDB nor in Mongo DB.

    Does anyone have already succeeded to collect inventory information from Maria or Mongo databases?


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