Connect Printers via WMS

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  • #52959
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    Hello everybody,

    we are currently testing to implement the Dell Management Suite. At the moment we are using the 2.1 Version On Premise with no license (Up to 10000 devices). In general the configuration works fine but we need some help with how to map the printers for the users.

    We are using a Citrix Environment 1912 Xenapp/XenDesktop and the best way to map the printers would be to map the printers to the thin client itself to connect them into the citrix session. So the printer is not connected in Windows on Citrix but on the Thin Client itself and gets redirected into the Citrix Session. This would be the ideal print-workflow for our environment with different locations. If this doesn’t work we would need to map the printers differently.

    We have already tested the printer connection itself – every location has his own print server with roundabout 20 printers in the production area. on each machine there is a thin client where the users work with. As a test we configured the printer settings and we could connect the printer successfully via “SMB-Printer” and entering the needed information. The print in Citrix was successfull.

    The problem now is that we only can connect 4 different printers via SMB. The global configuration is done for every location with different settings.

    The possibilities we would have as far as I know:

    – 1 configuration for every client (with there own printers)

    – create areas within the production to connect 4 printers

    – fallback to the citrix universal print service to connect the printers via Windows

    Is there any other possibility we have to connect more than 4 printers or how to connect the printers more comfortable? Is there a possibility to connect for example all shared printers from a Windows Print Server? Maybe even with all printers that have a specific spelling with a wildcard <printerprefix>-*?

    Thanks for the Help 🙂

    BR Hendrik

    • Total Post: 10696
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    4 is a hard limitation.
    If you need more you should open a ticket with Dell Support. Wildcards are not supported. You will end up with configuring the printers per device in your case.


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