Connect a Wyse to a VM without Teradici

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  • #50415
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    My company has been looking for ways to connect a Wyse with PCoIP to a VM without using Teradici, as we’ve been doing for years. Right now, I have a Wyse 3040 on which I can manage to log in the VMWare Broker. Once I’m logged in, I see every pool (we are using horizon) my user has access to. Thats where it stops working. When I click on the pool where I want to connect, I get the error “This desktop has no sources available or it has timed out. Please try connecting to this desktop again later.”.

    I have tried lots of stuff and am currently lost. My user is in the right groups, right pools, has access to the VM through remote connection… I am starting to wonder if this is possible. I know there is a way to connect by skipping horizon with the direct connect plugin, but we would like to keep this layer, as it helps us manage the whole thing.

    Everything is managed by WMS.

    Thanks for your time

    • Total Post: 10696
    • Jedi Master
    • ★★★★★★★

    Are you publishing the desktop with PCoIP protocol only or can the user select the protocol?
    Is the 3040 running ThinOS with or without PCoIP?
    Have you tried Blast?


    • Total Post: 4
    • Newbie

    I am publishing it with PCoIP only, and I have a 3040 running with PCoIP.

    I haven’t tried Blast. Should I? Why?

    Thanks for your help

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    I just tried with blast and it works well. I really would rather use PCoIP, though.


    I dont really understand why blast would work and not PCoIP

    • Total Post: 10696
    • Jedi Master
    • ★★★★★★★

    I am not sure about your environment. You are talking about connecting without a broker, then you talk about Horizon View.
    Could you clarify a bit more?


    • Total Post: 4
    • Newbie

    It is simple really. My 3040 is registered into my WMS, which should allow the thin to connect to my view server. Everything was working up to there. It’s when the thin tries to connect to the vm that it stopped working.

    That being said, I managed to solve my problem by looking into the PCoIP Secure Gateway option in Horizon. By reading some stuff about it, I found out that an IP address should be in there instead of an URL, like I had.

    I really thought the problem was within the thin client, but it seems like it was in Horizon!

    Thanks for your help!

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