Compatibility problem or update issue

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  • #106562
    • Total Post: 19
    • Regular Joe
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    my current problem is that new WYSE with ThinOS 9.1 dont register right in WMS.

    They show up in the console, but changing config group and/or reboot doesnt work. It seems they dont react.

    May this be an compatibility problem, as my WMS is on version 1.4.1 and the new WYSE are on ThinOS 9.1? With 8.6 it worked fine.

    What would lead me to my second issue.

    When I try to update to WMS 2.1 it seems to work, but one of the DBs (I think it was Mongo) isnt coming up again after a reboot. How could that be solved?



    Jim Lathan
    • Total Post: 6
    • Newbie

    Can you revert (restore) back to your previous install? If you can, I would restore back to your last working version. Then upgrade incrementally, making sure not to skip versions and capture a snapshot of the new version and install the next version., 3.3.1 16 Aug 2021 Recommended, 3.3 05 Jul 2021 Recommended, 3.2.1 17 May 2021 Urgent, 3.2 26 Mar 2021 Recommended, 3.1 HF1 25 Feb 2021 Recommended
    3.1.559, 3.1 04 Dec 2020 Recommended
    3.0.356, 3.0 28 Aug 2020 Recommended
    2.1.599, 2.1 03 Jul 2020 Recommended
    2.0.403, 2.0 23 Mar 2020 Recommended, 1.4.1 15 Nov 2019 Recommended
    1.4.42077, 1.4 28 May 2019 Recommended


    • Total Post: 19
    • Regular Joe
    • ★★

    Hi Jim,

    thanks for your reply.

    Yes, I can update an roll back on a snapshot.

    So I tested several versions to go farther then 1.4.1.

    Going to 2.1 finishes the installation process, but after a reboot the db doesnt come up again.

    Following your advice I tried to update to 2.0 first again.

    But this setup won’t complete with log as follows:


    2021-11-18 T13:55:38::Upgrade::2580::MongoDB Service returned: -1
    2021-11-18 T13:55:48::Upgrade::2612::In function: SetMongoDBFeatureCompatibleVer
    2021-11-18 T13:55:48::Upgrade::2635::mongo.exe -u stratus -p******* –authenticationDatabase admin localhost:27017/admin –eval “db.adminCommand( { setFeatureCompatibilityVersion: ‘3.6’ } )” >C:\Users\mkadmin\AppData\Local\Temp\SetMongoFeaVer.log 2>&1
    2021-11-18 T13:55:50::Upgrade::2642::SetMongoFeaVer script execution returned: 0
    2021-11-18 T13:55:50::Upgrade::2644::SetMongoFeaVer script execution returned: 1
    2021-11-18 T13:55:50::Upgrade::2591::Failed to update schema
    2021-11-18 T14:05:53::Upgrade::2525::Mongo 3.6.15 upgrade failed


    What could be done?



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