Cloud WMS and API access


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  • #106350
    • Total Post: 21
    • Regular Joe
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    Just wondering if anyone knows about a future availability of the API access for “Cloud WMS” (not the on-premise version)?

    From the 3.3 Admin guide, it says the Public/Cloud WMS doesn’t have the API feature (altough you have it in the GUI, you just can’t approve/enable it).


    Jim Lathan
    • Total Post: 314
    • Jacked into The Matrix
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    I had heard that it was coming eventually during a future release of WMS.  Starting with the ability to pull information (not send commands).  Maybe Jim can confirm

    • Total Post: 53
    • Back Stage Pass
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    Greetings all, first I have not played with the API interface, I know of companies using it to interface with their service console. Here is some reading materials that may help you out.

    Enable Wyse Management Suite API
    Wyse Management Suite server uses a proprietary API to serve requests generated from the user interface components. User Interface created with java scripts which uses a rest like API call to get required data in JSON format. The JSON format is request-specific. You can retrieve the device details or perform actions from the Wyse Management Suite server and integrate the server with your custom client such as service now.

    • Total Post: 21
    • Regular Joe
    • ★★


    Unfortunately, what you are refering to is the “on-premise WMS” API and not the Cloud WMS API.

    On the cloud/online WMS, there is no API option in the Portal Admin/Other settings:

    That’s why I was asking for some info on when this API could arrive here…

    Cause it would be so good to obtain information via a script rather than via the web interface (especially the “Device Level settings”…) –

    If it could arrive sooner, read-only access/pull information only would be more than welcome via an online API


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