Citrix slow login

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  • #107699
    • Total Post: 1
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    We have a number of 5070’s with Windows IOT OS.

    We are managing these via wyse management suite cloud and I have managed to configure the remote citrix connection which is working how we want it to.

    Only issue is when you enter credentials it takes around 3 minutes to login. This is using Kiosk mode and auto launching the citrix connection.

    If I turn kiosk mode off and login to setup citrix workspace manually it logs in at a normal time.

    I’ve updated WDA, the OS and Wyse Easy Setup, but no joy it just sits on Dell Citrix connection agent with the message “Gateway authentication is in progress”

    Has anybody come across this?

    Thanks in advance.

    Jim Lathan
    • Total Post: 314
    • Jacked into The Matrix
    • ★★★★★★

    Have you tested 2019 and the Dell Application Store App to install the latest posted at support?

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