Citrix Session freezed after logon

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  • #107635
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    Sometime with some of my Wyse devices, when a user open his Citrix Session, all is freezed : keyboard doesn’t work and you can move the mouse but can’t click anywhere. The only solution is to reboot the Wyse (manually or in WMS)

    After the reboot and the logon, the user gets his opened session back and all is working again normally.

    It happens whatever the device is (3040, 5070, 5470) whatever ThinOS (9.1.3129, 9.1.6108, and the new 2205), and different WMS (previously 3.6, now upgraded to 3.7), and with differents users.

    And not all my Wyse are inpacted…

    Never got this issue in a Citrix session with a Windows PC, so it should be a Wyse problem…

    Anybody facing the same issue ?

    Thank you !

    PS : as seen also in this old topic :

    Chris S
    • Total Post: 62
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    I’m not having the problem but I was wondering if you tried uninstalling or reverting to an older citrix version and reinstalling. Might be worth a shot as others have had problems and reinstalling has helped. I did have a different problem where the 5470 laptops would lock up when they went to sleep but I just don’t allow that anymore.

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    Are you using smartcards to sign in?

    • Total Post: 55
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    @Chris S : I tried different versions of Citrix App (I always install the recommended versions for the ThinOS) so at least the 3 latest versions I think.

    Next step I will try is to reinstall the entire device from the Merlin image of ThinOS (can’t remember if I already did that, I tried so many  things and devices ! :D)


    @Peter : No, no smartcard to sign in

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    Hello, like you, I have this problem too. I don’t have this problem on all my wyses in thinos version 9.1.5067 some have no problem. On the other hand, all my wyses in 9.1.1131 do not have the problem, at first I thought it came from the udp audio which was not activated because I already had a similar problem with version 9.1.1131 but That’s not the case here. Did reinstalling the client with the merlin image fix your problems? (namely that my wyses have gone through all versions 9.0 to 9.1.5067 with wms).

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