Changing WMS Port?

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  • #46630
    • Total Post: 11
    • Regular Joe
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    when WMS is installed, it adds Port 443 and 8080 to the exception list of Firewall. Unfortunatly we have another application on that Server, which depends on port 8080 . Is it possible to tell WMS not to listen to port 8080 and use a different port instead?

    Regards, todde_hb

    • Total Post: 11
    • Regular Joe
    • ★★

    Did find it myself. There is a port redirection directive in “C:\Program Files\DELL\WMS\Tomcat-8\conf\server.xml”

    Just comment it out and WMS will only listen to port 443

    • Total Post: 10696
    • Jedi Master
    • ★★★★★★★

    Good catch


    • Total Post: 94
    • Back Stage Pass
    • ★★★★

    Have you noticed any issues with this setup?

    I asked support if it was okay to run a web server on the same server as WMS.  They said no w/o reason.  I would like to consolidate server functionality, as I need to run a web server to upgrade Linux clients. WMS linux firmware upgrade does not work if Platform Util and WDA add-ons are upgraded on client, which I find leaves client unable to communicate to WMS post installing these add-ons.  I decided to stay with the HTTP method, until WMS linux firmware upgrade function is addressed

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