Cannot double-tap the 2201L ELO touchscreen after updating the Dell Wyse 5010

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  • #66538
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    • Newbie


    I have a “double-click” reactivity problem with my fingers on ELO touchscreens 2201L since I updated the firmware of my Dell Wyse 5010 ThinOS .
    With firmware 8.4.112, double tapping on an icon on my Citrix desktop worked very well and opened the application. Since version 8.5*** or 8.6***, the double, triple or quadruple tapping on the icons works very badly or not at all.
    If I come back with 8.4.112, it works again!
    Would you have a solution to help me?
    Is it possible to set only a simple tap on the icons to open the application? If yes, can you give me the command in Wnos.ini ?
    Thanks in advance

    • Total Post: 10696
    • Jedi Master
    • ★★★★★★★

    Try to add this to your wnos.ini

    MouseDisable=no TouchScreenDrag=no


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