Can we connect Wyse ThinOS to both Citrix ICA and PCOIP sessions

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  • #107547
    [email protected]
    • Total Post: 2
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    Our internal systems use Citrix VDA with storfront and netscaler.  Currently at 1912.  We have several outside clients to which we connect using citrix public ICA connections.  No issues with those.

    We have another outside client who is using VMware horizon view, PCOIP.   We need to connect to their public access system.  The only way we can get the wyse terminal to connect to PCOIP is to setup PCOIP as the main connection broker.  In doing this, then we cannot use any other session.   Citrix connections will not work.

    Primary question is, at this time, is having both connections with concurrent sessions even supported?   If so, then we seem to be missing something.

    If someone could provide some general outline for how to do this, that would be wonderful.  i.e. Do we need to setup citrix 1st as primary, and PCOIP secondary?  Or maybe we can setup both, but tell the wyse terminal to NOT login with a user.  I also read that citrix netscaler can act as a broker to PCOIP sessions.

    I am not the technical expert in any way.  Only trying to understand what should be possible.

    Wyse ThinOS 5070 units primarily.   8.6/9.1 firmware.  PCOIP capable and working.

    Regards and Thanks


    Jim Lathan
    • Total Post: 314
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    I don’t think this is possible, you can only define a single broker.

    [email protected]
    • Total Post: 2
    • Newbie

    Jim, thank you for the reply

    My only other question would be, should we be able to add a secondary Connection for PCOIP with the main broker being our ICA?  Similar to what we can do with RDP; add a separate RDP connection with ICA broker.  RDP works.  As of yet, the PCOIP type will not work for us.

    Regardless, we will keep trying to work around the limitation.


    –  RTS

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