Boot loop when pushing image from WMS

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  • #53338
    • Total Post: 7
    • Newbie

    Has anyone ever experienced a boot loop when trying to push an image from WMS? Basic process is this:

    • Select new thin client (already registered in WMS).
    • Push new image.
    • Client receives the job and counts down 2 minutes.
    • Instead of booting into Merlin and pulling down the image, the client boots back into Windows.
    • Client will then attempt to pull the image again and reboot, not into Merlin, but into Windows.
    • Wash, rinse, repeat.
    • Cancelling the job does not stop the boot loop process.
      The only way to stop the loop is to unplug the network cable. However, as soon as it re-connects, the job starts again and the boot loop starts all over again.

    1. How do I keep the process from starting all over again? I cancel the job in WMS, but the client continues to try to pull the image.
    2. How do I prevent this in the first place? I have a feeling that either the client isn’t pulling an IP quick enough, or if it is, it cannot communicate with WMS.

    Here’s what I’ve tried:

    • After registering the client, update WDA to, then try to push an image. This did not work.
    • When in a boot loop, image the client using USB drive. Once that process completes, even though the job is canceled in WMS, it reboots after the Sysprep process completes and pulls the image successfully. I can’t wrap my mind around why this works. The only difference between the image I’m pushing and the stock image is that WDA is updated, I installed 2 programs, and set power options. That’s it.
    • We auto-register our clients via DHCP entries.
      165 WMS – https://FQDN:443
      166 MSTT – FQDN:1883
      167 CA Validation – FALSE
      199 Group Token – defa-Def@ultPolicy1

    I’m at my wit’s end with this. It worked fine last week.

    Also, what is up with posting in this forum. I’ve tried three times to post a question, with only one post being successful. My profile says I’ve posted, but doesn’t show anything.

    • Total Post: 7
    • Newbie

    It looks like disabling STP worked one time. I read here that spanning tree slows down network connectivity on boot. Tested yesterday and WMS successfully pushed one image to a 5070. Came in this morning and I attempted to push another image. The client is now in a boot loop.

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    • Newbie

    Well, it looks like a simple BIOS update on my 5070’s and 5470’s fixed the issue. There was an update from July on the 5470 and August for the 5070. Apparently that updated Merlin as well, because it has a new version number. Once updated, pushing an image no longer causes a boot loop.

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