BiosVersion 3.0 U needed for Firmware 8.5.017 ?

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  • #47992
    • Total Post: 6
    • Newbie

    do i have to update the bios on 5010 and 5040 Clients to 3.0 U according to ref.Guide 8.5 if i want update Firmware from 8.3.xx to 8.5.017 ?

    If yes: where can i Download that specific BIOS-Version 3.0 U. we have a maintenance contract for ThinOS and can download the firmware, but no bios.

    with BIOS 3.0 P  we have still Problems with updating bios-Passwords:

    “CMOS: failed to set password”. despite of ini: Device=CMOS CurrentPassword=oldpw NewPassword=newpw




    • Total Post: 10696
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    No, BIOS update is not needed for firmware update.
    Currently there is no official download for the BIOS. Have you tried to contact Dell Support?


    • Total Post: 6
    • Newbie

    thanks for the answer.

    if there is no no need for bios updating, we will still use the actual 3.0P one.

    but the mentioned error with password update isn’t still solved for us in 8.5.017.

    is it solved in new 8.5.020 (haven’t tried it yet)? or what is the correct way to change the bios password.

    the proposed way to use Device=CMOS CurrentPassword=oldpw NewPassword=newpw

    doesn’t succeed. Is there anything else i had to consider?


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