Bandwidth 3040 / performance monitor DELL

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  • #52907
    • Total Post: 5
    • Newbie

    hi everyone,


    i have a question about bandwidth for Dell Wyse 3040 connect over VPN Ipsec site to site ==> RDS (terminal session) windows server 2016 session

    I need for my QOS to know how much a session consumes (sophos XG)

    I see performance Monitor , unit is in KB/s = kbits? i think !! or Bytes?Monitor performance

    however, have you a tools for that?


    thx all 😉

    • Total Post: 10696
    • Jedi Master
    • ★★★★★★★

    You will not find any fixed values for bandwidth consumption anywhere. This depends on too many factors.
    The values you can see in the ThinOS performance monitor are Kilo Bytes.


    • Total Post: 5
    • Newbie

    Thx you , i understand !

    Wyse connection + RDS connection + Application , video …. bandwidth was not an exact number 🙂


    thx for your time!

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