auto reconnect/autoconnect question

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    We are in the process of converting from a seamless published application environment to a published desktop environment and I am running into an interesting issue.

    We are using PNAgent to authenticate into the Citrix farm using the following parameter in wnos.ini reconnectatlogon=2 reconnectfrombutton=2

    I also need the published desktop connection to automatically launch as soon as the user logs in to the device, so I have the following in my wnos.ini as well:

    Application=”Pub Desktop”

    Everything works great when the user logs in for the first time and does not have an active Pub Desktop session, however if that user has a disconnected “Pub Desktop” session, then the thin client will “auto reconnect” to the existing session and will also try to launch a brand new session as well, which would cause an issue for the user.

    My initial plan was to disable autoreconnect and just use autoconnect, however if the user’s session is “active” somewhere else, then autoconnect will just try to create a new session and not bring over the “active” session from else where.

    The alternative that I came up with at the moment is to turn off reconnectatlogon completely, set an idle time out to sure that the user’s session is in a disconnected state if the user isn’t using the thin client and to use autoconnect to re-connect to the disconnected session. The problem that I have with this solution is that if the user somehow manages to walk over to another device before the idle time out disconnects his session, that user will not be able to login.

    Sorry for the long winded post, but I guess I’m trying to figure out if there is a better way to solve this issue? Is there anyway to configure the blazer to only autoconnect if no existing session exists?


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    looks like you run in a no-go situation.
    The problem is that the whole reconnect thing is a PNAgent feature. But as you are using a local ICA autoconnect session on top, this will conflict.

    Right now there is no way to define a PNAgent connection to autostart.
    Wyse did this for me once for a CE based unit. There you were able to create a group on the PS server named “Autostart” and each published app that was in there was autostarted on PNAgent connect. But during this project we have not dealt around with session reconnect. So I cannot say for sure that this would be a solution for you. But I think it is worth a try.
    Ask Wyse if they can build solution like this for you on WTOS.


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