Authentification 802.1x EAP-TLS with protocol SCEP and NPS Windows

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  • #51419
    • Total Post: 16
    • Regular Joe
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    We would like to do a 802.1x authenttication with certificated that are requested by SCEP.

    The SCEP request is working fine (ie the certificate is requested and installed in our Wyse 3040).

    The EAP-TLS works only under specific conditions thought.

    I have to modify the default template used by our ADCS (IPSECIntermediateOffline by default) to a brand new one.

    With this, (and after some testing), we finally succeed to authenticate in user mode, after an AD account is created (with name of the user = CN of the certificate)

    I would like to do the authentification in machine mode, without a user in the AD.

    Can’t succeed to do it.


    My lines in the ini file :


    ScepAutoEnroll=yes AutoRenew=yes InstallCACert=no CountryName=FR State=IDF Locality=PARIS Organization=DSI OrganizationUnit=XXX CommonName=$TN [email protected] KeyUsage=digitalSignature;keyEncipherment KeyLength=2048 RequestURL=xxx/certsrv/mscep/mscep.dll CACertHashType=MD5 CACertHash=”xxxx” ScepAdminUrl=xxxx/CertSrv/mscep_admin/ ScepUser=scep_user ScepUserPwd=xxx

    8021.x :

    IEEE8021X=yes network=wired eap=yes eaptype=EAP-TLS tlsauthtype=user tlsclntprikey=$TN.pfx


    When I change to user, I have an issue in the Windows NPS.

    • Total Post: 16
    • Regular Joe
    • ★★

    The log of the NPS :

    Network Policy Server denied access to a user.

    Contact the Network Policy Server administrator for more information.

    Security ID: NULL SID
    Account Name: host/WT8cec4b635ed7
    Account Domain: AGRICA
    Fully Qualified Account Name: DOMAIN\host/WT8cec4b635ed7

    Client Machine:
    Security ID: NULL SID
    Account Name: –
    Fully Qualified Account Name: –
    OS-Version: –
    Called Station Identifier: BC-C4-93-B1-8E-26
    Calling Station Identifier: 8C-EC-4B-63-5E-D7

    NAS IPv4 Address:
    NAS IPv6 Address: –
    NAS Identifier: –
    NAS Port-Type: Ethernet
    NAS Port: 50138

    RADIUS Client:
    Client Friendly Name: xxx
    Client IP Address:

    Authentication Details:
    Connection Request Policy Name: CISCO_SWITCH_802.1X
    Network Policy Name: –
    Authentication Provider: Windows
    Authentication Server: servername.domain
    Authentication Type: EAP
    EAP Type: –
    Account Session Identifier: –
    Logging Results: Accounting information was written to the local log file.
    Reason Code: 8
    Reason: The specified user account does not exist.

    • Total Post: 16
    • Regular Joe
    • ★★

    When I change to user, I have an issue in the Windows NPS.

    I mean =>

    When I change to machine, I have an issue in the Windows NPS.

    ie :

    IEEE8021X=yes network=wired eap=yes eaptype=EAP-TLS tlsauthtype=machine tlsclntprikey=$TN.pfx

    • Total Post: 16
    • Regular Joe
    • ★★



    So nobody is using SCEP for 802.1x certificat authentication with RADIUS Windows NPS? 🙁

    • Total Post: 2
    • Newbie

    I had to create a computer object.

    Make sure you set a spn for the computer account

    “setspn -s HOST/$ $TN”

    $TN = hostname

    Then duplicate the user template, next change the attribute flags to 131706 , this changes it for a machine certificate.

    I have this working in production with wireless. It took me a while to figure it out myself.





    • Total Post: 16
    • Regular Joe
    • ★★



    Thanks for your answer, i will try it.


    • Total Post: 16
    • Regular Joe
    • ★★



    After some testing, still ko.

    I do not understand this line in your comment “Then duplicate the user template, next change the attribute flags to 131706 , this changes it for a machine certificate.”

    My template certificate is already for machine : CT_FLAG_MACHINE_TYPE — 40 (64)

    If you could provide any significant details (ini for scep and 802.1x, also the template use and the NPS conf, the detail of the object computers created) , it will be appreciate


    Thanks in advance.

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