Audio over UDP Real-time Transport supported on ThinOS?


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  • #45551
    • Total Post: 18
    • Regular Joe
    • ★★

    Is this feature supported on ThinOS? Seem to recall reading somewhere that its only supported on Windows and Linux clients.

    Audio over UDP Real-time Transport and Audio UDP port range

    By default, Audio over User Datagram Protocol (UDP) Real-time Transport is allowed (when selected at time of installation), opening up a UDP port on the server for connections that use Audio over UDP Real-time Transport. Citrix recommends configuring UDP/RTP for audio, to ensure the best possible user experience in the event of network congestion or packet loss. For real time audio such as softphone applications, UDP audio is now preferred more than EDT. UDP allows for packet loss without retransmission, ensuring that no latency is added on connections with high packet loss.

    • Total Post: 10696
    • Jedi Master
    • ★★★★★★★

    Is that the same as the Lync optimization?
    This is supported.


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