5212, 5213, D10_wnos & PD10_wnos

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  • #45007
    • Total Post: 15
    • Regular Joe
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    I’m very, very new to Thin Clients etc. We have a mixture of 5010, 5040 5212 and 5040 5213’s

    Question: Can I use ZD10_wnos on a 5213…or PD10_wnos on a 5212? If not, do I put both in the FTP path of the WDM and they each pickup what they need?

    Mind you, I’m not sure why I’m even using WDM as it doesn’t appear to solve any problems and never finds my devices any way…

    Looking forward to some insight from the Community.

    • Total Post: 10696
    • Jedi Master
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    Each hardware has its own firmware. OK, there are some exceptions but most of time this is correct 😉
    Therefore, you can just drop each firmware in the wnos folder. The hardware will autmatically only use the one that fits.


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