1200LE upgrade issue

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  • #292
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    • Newbie

    I get a 1200LE terminal with 4.2.137i firmware.
    Because the sound seems not working with xp terminal service, and to update for newer firmware I installer a ftp server on the xp server with /wyse/wnos dir and put wnos.ini ( signon=0 and autoload=1) and UTC_b512 firmware file (4.4) in it.
    I checked with manual ftp that anonymous access allow wnos.ini file retreving by ftp. I see in ftp log that wyse client is well connected but client is not retreiving the file.
    It seems just that after ftp connection, client make a “size” command of the wnos.ini file and nothing else (no firmware upgrade also…)

    Could someone help me to upgrade the firmware?

    thank you by advance

    • Total Post: 1649
    • Jacked into The Matrix
    • ★★★★★★


    Have a look at the system log and see where the terminal is looking for the file.

    Try putting the files here: ftproot/wnos folder as sometimes the device looks here. If you are manually setting the location on the terminal just put in the ip address of the ftp server and not the directorys.


    • Total Post: 3
    • Newbie


    I’m stuck at step 6 : Contacting file server

    I tried both :
    – put files also in ftproot/wnos
    – only put ip@ of the file server (without /wyse at the end).

    No results for boths…

    • Total Post: 1649
    • Jacked into The Matrix
    • ★★★★★★


    The Contacting file server” means the device fails to find or authenticate to the ftp server. You will need to trouble shoot why the device can not log in to the ftp server. I would use ethereal and see if the terminal is connecting to the ftp server and also it will show you what the username/password it is using. Try a g-key as well to clear any old settings. Double check you can manually ftp to the server from your PC and change to the WNOS folder.

    If you a “Unable to receive system profile” this means the terminal logged in to the ftp server but the wnos.ini file was not where it expected it to be. This is fixed by changing the path to the wnos folder.

    I hope this is of more help,


    • Total Post: 3
    • Newbie

    Well you were right, something was not clean in the network, I check w/ ethereal and effectively, there was a problem with the ftp passive mode and the windows xp firewall.
    So the update was realized and now the sound works!
    thank you

    • Total Post: 1649
    • Jacked into The Matrix
    • ★★★★★★

    Thats great news! Thanks for posting back with what the issue was,


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