ThinOS 8.5_020 is posted

The latest ThinOS firmware is available now.
Go to the Dell support site and download it today to get the latest and greatest.
Latest and greatest What? Although 8.5_020 is “only” a hotfix release, there are still some new features.
See the full list here:

  • Horizon package updated minor version to 50691 to support hardware cursor for Blast protocol
  • GUI Updates
    • Option window when WMS policy changes need to be applied
    • Pop-up message when network has issue for active session with Session Reliability enabled
  • Support Dell Defender two-factor authentication
  • Support Bloomberg keyboard in BIOS 1.0H for platform 5060
  • Support OMNIKEY 5022 CL Smart Card Reader
  • Support headless booting

Supported platforms are:

  • 3010
  • 3020
  • 3030
  • 3040
  • 5010
  • 5040
  • 5060
  • 7010

Included packages:

FR             1.20.46089
Horizon 4.6.50691
RTME     2.4.48792
TCX         7.1.41853