Reply To: New Wyse 5070 Pushed Image Dell Quick Start Loop

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I just ran across this issue with a new 5070 image I’m building and thought I’d offer this tip:

First, I deleted the file C:\Wyse\OOBE\OOBE_First_Boot.bat.  Unfortunately, upon restart, the User account bounced back to the logon screen every time it attempted to log on.  Not ideal.

I poked through the Application log and found that the logon process was trying and failing to run that file.  To fix it, I just edited the Userinit value in the registry.

Go to the registry key HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon

Open the string Userinit and remove the path “C:\Wyse\OOBE\OOBE_First_Boot.bat”

Reboot and you will never see the Quick Launch again.