Reply To: USB Redirection issues on ThinOS 9.1

Jim Lathan
  • Total Post: 314
  • Jacked into The Matrix
  • ★★★★★★

We were having issues in our environment with some USB lights that needed to work and I was able to resolve the USB pass-through issue by finding the vendor and product ID and adding them to the “Include Vid/Pid USB Device Redirection” section in Wyse Management Suite

To find what the Vendor ID and Product ID a USB device uses, there are 2 quick ways to get that information..

1. In WMS, search for the thin client that has the USB device plugged in > System Info > scroll down and expand ‘Peripherals’ section then it shows what devices are plugged into every USB port as well as the VID/PID of them.

2. On the device itself enter into Admin Mode > Settings > System Tools > scroll down to find the USB section and find the description of the USB device you’re looking for and record the VID/PID.


Finally to apply these codes, whether it’s to a policy or a specific machine… In WMS, browse to Session > Blast Session Settings > and under “Include Vid/Pid USB Device Redirection” add the entries there. You can add multiple if they are separated by a semi colon [ ; ]

Example of USB device addition