Reply To: Upgrade to WMS 3.6.1 from 3.5.2

Jim Lathan
  • Total Post: 314
  • Jacked into The Matrix
  • ★★★★★★

Hi All,
thank you for the feedback 🙂 So I tried to make upgrade WMS from 3.5.2 to 3.6.1 today.

1) Fail
I check version of Mongo cmd > mongo > version 4.2.16
I check version of Maria cmd > MySQL –user=root –password version 4.2.40

From Dell page 14
I downloaded MariaDB 10.6.5 and MongoDB 4.2.17 which is needed to upgrade and continued with steps from manual 1…6. to version 3.6.1 Installation Faill

I check version of Mongo cmd > mongo > version 4.2.16
I check version of Maria cmd > MySQL –user=root –password version 4.2.40

From Dell page 14
I downloaded only MongoDB 4.2.17 and continued with steps from manual 1…6. to version 3.6.1 Installation Faill

I check version of Mongo cmd > mongo > version 4.2.16
I check version of Maria cmd > MySQL –user=root –password version 4.2.40

From Dell page 14
I downloaded only MongoDB 4.2.17 and continued with steps from manual 1…6. But first, I start to run the upgrade to version 3.6.0 and then 3.6.1


When I tried to make update WMS from 3.5.2 to 3.6.0 earlier. I had a problem with the upgrade and the installation ended with an error. I think that problem was in version of mongoDF 4.2.16

That’s my experience 😉