Reply To: WYSE THINOS 9.1.6108-The system encountered a critical error , restart UI

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@MartinK, I’m seeing the same issue.  Wyse 3040, Bios 1.2.5, upgraded from 9.4 to 9.6108.  Default is clearly selected on the left screen, but the login prompt shows on the right screen.  Once I log in, the settings bar appears on the left correctly.  When I log into Citrix, the login starts on the right screen.  Once the desktop appears, I check settings, and the right monitor is incorrectly set as the primary screen.

I can “set” the display settings on the terminal (select the wrong monitor, make it primary, then select the right monitor and make it primary) and the “settings” persist until the unit is rebooted.


I don’t see an updated BIOS available on the Dell Support site, only 1.2.5 for Wyse 3040.  Am I missing something?  Thanks!