Reply To: WYSE THINOS 9.1.6108-The system encountered a critical error , restart UI

  • Total Post: 28
  • Regular Joe
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@brian1020 it is probably only a Vmware VDI problem with 9.1.6. and not Citrix. There is a long loop it constantly tries to reach the VDI broker which does not work with 802.1x onboarding, only after installing the SCEP Certificate and reboot the TC. It especially affects the low performance 3040, the Optiplex 3000 gets away with it but still hangs for about 1-2 minutes which is not the case with 9.1.5.


@brain1020 I might need them soon because of a changeover to a new NDES server with https 😉 .
Would be great if you write me a mail and we exchange, the is “Nickname” thank you

best Regards,
