Reply To: ThinOS 9.1.5067 – Wyse 3040 – everything is slow until reboot

  • Total Post: 9
  • Regular Joe
  • ★★


I saw your other post and I see that we share the same frustrations…
Maybe ThinOS 9.1 is indeed a bit too greedy for the Wyse 3040, but in that case :
– why offer this OS for the Wyse 3040? For example, ThinOS 9 is not available on the Wyse 3020 or 3030, probably because they are too old and not very powerful.
– Why is it that once you turn the Wyse off and on again, then everything works perfectly well for the rest of the day? This leads me to believe that this is not a performance problem but a ThinOS bug

Citrix sessions are UDP sessions, via a connection to a Netscaler

Thank you