Reply To: Remove pre-loaded package policy

Jim Lathan
  • Total Post: 314
  • Jacked into The Matrix
  • ★★★★★★

Removing ThinOS packages requires the use of Thin Client App Policies. There will be two paths; WMS Standard and WMS Pro. In either case, you will need to make sure that your WMS instance has the same version of the package you want to remove, i.e. Microsoft_AVD_1.5_1325.pkg.

WMS Standard (limitation is you have to create a policy per package)

Using Apps and Data, Select Thin Client in App Policies. Then select Add policy.

  1. Enter Policy Name
  2. Select Group to apply policy (for testing I recommend creating a test group). Keep in mind, using WMS Standard, the policy will only apply to the group selected.
  3. Change Task to Remove Application
  4. OS type select ThinOS
  5. Application select the application you want to remove, i.e Microsoft_AVD_1.5_1325.pkg
  6. The last thing you may want to change is to Apply Policy Automatically. When testing, use Do not apply automatically.
  7. Now save your new Policy.

To test make sure your test device is in the group you defined in the App Policy.  When the device has checked in, select the device by clicking the box next to the device placing a check in the box.

In the More Actions dropdown menu above, select Schedule App Policy, a GUI will start.

  1. In the policy section select in the dropdown menu your new application removal policy
  2. Provide a description (Optional)
  3. In Run, change to Immediately
  4. Click Preview

You will now see a summary of your Application Schedule. Click Schedule to send the job to the device. The job will start and remove the application package. You can verify on the device by opening System Information and then opening Event Log. You should see the application removal process and its completion.

In the WMS console, select the device and click Query. This will ask the device to check-in and update its information. Click on the device and then click Installed Apps, this will show you what application packages are on the device and you should notice the package Microsoft_AVD_1.5_1325.pkg is not removed.

I mentioned two paths, WMS Pro allows you to create an Advance Policy that will allow you to schedule the installation/removal of multiple application packages in one job.

I hope this helps with your question
