Reply To: Wyse ThinOS (9.1.1131) – Password expire issue

  • Total Post: 21
  • Regular Joe
  • ★★

Has anyone found a sure fix for this issue. We are having an issue also with 9.1.3129 and expiring passwords Currenlty we have an installed base of both 7010s on 8.5.012  and 5070s on 8.6.013 and they are able to change password, just fine, has worked for may years. But 9x is not working. Our domain controllers are 2 servers on Server 2012 and 2 servers on Server 2016 and admin says our functional level is 2012R2. Can anyone shed light on a fix, previously i think i worked with our Citrix admins to set settings on the Citrix storefront which enabled this to work. 9x does not seem to be using the same settings. Have tried the setting under 9x policies>Session setting and Password Expiry , did not have any effect. Thanks for any guidance!!

Screenshot is of 5070 on 8x firmware and how it works to change password , before user logs in.

Change passord - 8xfirmware