Reply To: Wyse 3040/5070 ThinOS 9.1.1131 to 9.1.5067

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For @pdgeye4consult-be :

You’re in ThinOs 9.1.1131, you must first upgrade to ThinOs 9.1.3129 with this package :

ThinOS 9.1 to ThinOS 9.1.3129 Image file for Dell Wyse 3040, 5070, 5470 and 5470 All-in-One Thin Clients :


Then you can upgrade to ThinOS 9.1.5067 with this package :

ThinOS 9.1.3129 or later to ThinOS 9.1.5067 Image file for Dell Wyse 3040, 5070, 5470 and 5470 All-in-One Thin Clients :

After that you will be able to install ThinOS 9.1.5067 Application Packages