Reply To: Attempting to optimize ThinOS 9.1

  • Total Post: 259
  • Jacked into The Matrix
  • ★★★★★★

Would probably need to know more about the environment:

  • What thin client model are you using, 3040, 5070, 5470…
  • What Citrix VDA are you using, LTSR or CU?
  • If your using  Microsoft Teams, Citrix Workspace For Linux should have optimization built in so you shouldn’t be seeing Citrix HDX Camera it should be whatever the local USB or built-in camera is.
  • Browser based audio and video isn’t optimized that would be leveraging Citrix HDX audio, there are some Citrix policies that can improve it, but Browser Content Redirection is the way you want to go for improving browser based audio and video.