Reply To: Enable CA Validation, Key Validation not working

  • Total Post: 259
  • Jacked into The Matrix
  • ★★★★★★

Two things I would check:

  1. Make sure the device SN isn’t already listed in WMS public cloud as either registered or not registered.  If it is, fully delete the device from the Not Registered listing so its fully removed from the WMS database.
  2. Check the local time/date on the thin client.  We’ve had some devices out of the box and new having a local date/time as December 2012.  During CA validation to WMS public cloud there must be some sort of built in certificate on the thin clients that’s trying to be used for WMS check-in and with the date that old on the device you will often see in the Information log Certificate not yet valid.  You can either change the time/date in the BIOS or you can change it locally in ThinOS and try to validate key once the time date is set to current.

Those are the only two things i can think of that WMS Public Cloud acts up with when trying to get devices to check-in.