Reply To: How to Disable VDI Menu on 9.1

  • Total Post: 21
  • Regular Joe
  • ★★

Hello Again

after some tests, there has been evolutions on the toolbar behavior with the different Firmware versions in v9.1

<span style=”text-decoration: underline;”>9.1.1131 gets the best results in Moden Mode :</span>

  • the connection toolbar disappears while logging in and stays hidden,
  • the system toolbar stays during login, but is hidden afterwards if using fullScreen mode
  • the system toolbar disappears also at logoff

<span style=”text-decoration: underline;”>9.1.2101 gets the good results in Moden Mode :</span>

  • the connection toolbar disappears while logging in and stays hidden,
  • the system toolbar stays during login, but is hidden afterwards if using fullScreen mode
  • BUT : the system toolbar stays after logoff !!!

9.1.3112 and 3129 have the Connection toolbar issue :

  • the connection toolbar do not disappear while logging,( unless you click into the Desktop )
  • the system toolbar stays during login, and is not hidden afterwards if using fullScreen mode ( unless you click into the Desktop )
  • BUT : the system toolbar stays after logoff !!!

So choose well your version, going to the latest one cause some visual issues !!!!